Nancy Ann Gathering  'The Big Day!'

Friday, May 2nd, 2025

Pleasanton Marriott, 11950 Dublin Canyon Road, Pleasanton, CA

First Choice Sale - This long standing Gathering tradition has been a favorite activity of attendees. Before the official buying and selling begins, participants have the chance buy one special doll when their randomly selected First Choice group is called into the sales room. This gives everyone an equal chance to take home a treasured doll.

Sales Room - Attendees at the Gathering have the opportunity to sell dolls either at their dedicated dealer table or by bringing dolls and items to put on the Consignment table (limit 5 Nancy Ann items/Attendee). There is typically a wide variety of items available for sale, including some very rare dolls. The sales room is open for buying and selling several times during the day.

After lunch dealers will be allowed to put other dolls and doll items on their tables. We know that many of our attendees also collect other dolls and it is our hope that expanding the offerings will enhance the experience of buyers and sellers.  The morning and first choice sale will still be limited only to Nancy Ann items. The fee for sales tables is $25/table. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Competition - Each year a variety of competition categories are selected related to the theme of that year's Gathering. Any attendee may enter one or more dolls. Ribbons are awarded to winners  in each category by our event Judges.  And then one overall doll is awarded the 'People's Choice Award' by the group of attendees.

Programs - Education is an important part of the Gathering. Throughout the day several informative programs related to Nancy Ann dolls will be presented in different formats, such as a keynote presentation or small break outs and conversations. Previous programs have included such topics as the life of Nancy Ann Abbott - founder of the company, rare dolls from the war years, cleaning and repairing dolls and costumes, life in the factory, boxes, brochures and packaging, doll identification, information on specific types of Nancy Ann dolls, etc.

Gathering Souvenirs - The Event Planning Team selects a unique theme for each Gathering. As a special treat, attendees are able to take home gifts and favors related to the theme of the year. These are included with the registration fee.

Meals - On the day of the Gathering, coffee & tea service, lunch, and dessert are included with your registration fee.

The Nancy Ann Gathering is proudly brought to you by the Nancy Ann Gathering Planning Team.

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